MusicPlayer についての内容 ※間違いが含まれている場合があるので注意
/*! @function NewMusicPlayer @abstract Create a new music player @discussion A music player is used to play a sequence back. This call is used to create a player When a sequence is to be played by a player, it can play to either an AUGraph, a MIDI Destination or a mixture/combination of both. @param outPlayer the newly created player */ extern OSStatus NewMusicPlayer( MusicPlayer *outPlayer) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer は シーケンスを演奏する為に使われる。 この呼び出しは、新規 MusicPlayer の作成で利用。 シーケンスがプレイヤーで再生されるとき、「AUGraph」もしくは、「MIDI Destination とMixture/Combination」の両方のいずれかで再生可能。
@function DisposeMusicPlayer
@abstract Dispose a music player
@param inPlayer the player to dispose
extern OSStatus
DisposeMusicPlayer( MusicPlayer inPlayer) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer の処分をする。
@function MusicPlayerSetSequence
@abstract Set the sequence for the player to play
@discussion A Sequence cannot be set on a player while it is playing. Setting a sequence
will overide the currently set sequence.
@param inPlayer the player
@param inSequence the sequence for the player to play
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerSetSequence( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
MusicSequence inSequence) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer に シーケンスを設定する。
@function MusicPlayerGetSequence
@abstract Get the sequence attached to a player
@discussion If the player does not have a sequence set, this will return the _NoSequence error
@param inPlayer the player
@param outSequence the sequence currently set on the player
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerGetSequence( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
MusicSequence *outSequence) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer の シーケンスを取得する。
@function MusicPlayerSetTime
@abstract Set the current time on the player
@discussion The Get and Set Time calls take a specification of time as beats. This positions the player
to the specified time based on the currently set sequence. No range checking on the time value
is done. This can be set on a playing player (in which case playing will be resumed from the
new time).
@param inPlayer the player
@param inTime the new time value
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerSetTime( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
MusicTimeStamp inTime) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer に MusicTimeStamp を設定する。
@function MusicPlayerGetTime
@abstract Get the current time of the player
@discussion The Get and Set Time calls take a specification of time as beats. This retrieves the player's
current time. If it is playing this time is the time of the player at the time the call was made.
@param inPlayer the player
@param outTime the current time value
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerGetTime( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
MusicTimeStamp *outTime) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer から MusicTimeStamp を取得する。
@function MusicPlayerGetHostTimeForBeats
@abstract Returns the host time that will be (or was) played at the specified beat.
@discussion This call is only valid if the player is playing and will return an error if the player is not playing
or if the starting position of the player (its "starting beat") was after the specified beat.
For general translation of beats to time in a sequence, see the MusicSequence calls for beat<->seconds.
The call uses the player's sequence's tempo map to translate a beat time from the starting time and beat
of the player.
@param inPlayer the player
@param inBeats the specified beat-time value
@param outHostTime the corresponding host time
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerGetHostTimeForBeats( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
MusicTimeStamp inBeats,
UInt64 * outHostTime) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_2,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer に拍数(MusicTimeStamp)を設定して、ホストタイムを取得する。
@function MusicPlayerGetBeatsForHostTime
@abstract Returns the beat that will be (or was) played at the specified host time.
@discussion This call is only valid if the player is playing and will return an error if the player is not playing
or if the starting time of the player was after the specified host time.
For general translation of beats to time in a sequence, see the MusicSequence calls for beat<->seconds.
The call uses the player's sequence's tempo map to retrieve a beat time from the starting and specified host time.
@param inPlayer the player
@param inHostTime the specified host time value
@param outBeats the corresponding beat time
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerGetBeatsForHostTime( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
UInt64 inHostTime,
MusicTimeStamp *outBeats) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_2,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer にホストタイムを設定して、拍数(MusicTimeStamp)を取得する。
@function MusicPlayerPreroll
@abstract Prepare the player for playing
@discussion Allows the player to prepare its state so that starting is has a lower latency. If a player is started without
being prerolled, the player will pre-roll itself and then start.
@param inPlayer the player
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerPreroll( MusicPlayer inPlayer) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer の再生の準備をする。 再生する準備ができたプレイヤーは、ローレイテンシーを実現できる。 プリロールされずにスタートした場合、プレイヤーは自分自身をプリロールしてそれからスタートするかもしれない。
@function MusicPlayerStart
@abstract Start the player
@discussion If the player has not been prerolled, it will pre-roll itself and then start.
@param inPlayer the player
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerStart( MusicPlayer inPlayer) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer を再生する。
@function MusicPlayerStop
@abstract Stop the player
@param inPlayer the player
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerStop( MusicPlayer inPlayer) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_0,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer を停止する。
@function MusicPlayerIsPlaying
@abstract Returns the playing state of the player. "Is it playing?"
@discussion This call returns a non-zero value in outIsPlaying if the player has been
started and not stopped. It may have "played" past the events of the attached
MusicSequence, but it is still considered to be playing (and its time value increasing)
until it is explicitly stopped
@param inPlayer the player
@param outIsPlaying false if not, true (non-zero) if is playing
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerIsPlaying( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
Boolean * outIsPlaying) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_2,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer が再生中か判断する。
@function MusicPlayerSetPlayRateScalar
@abstract Scale the playback rate of the player
@param inPlayer the player
@param inScaleRate a scalar that will be applied to the playback rate. If 2, playback is twice as fast, if
0.5 it is half as fast. As a scalar, the value must be greater than zero.
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerSetPlayRateScalar( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
Float64 inScaleRate) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer の再生スピードを変える。 inScaleRate が2なら2倍、0.5なら半分の速さとなる。 inScaleRate は必ず 0 より大きい値にする。
@function MusicPlayerGetPlayRateScalar
@abstract Get the playback rate scalar of the player
@param inPlayer the player
@param outScaleRate the current scalar being applied to the player. Default value is 1.0
extern OSStatus
MusicPlayerGetPlayRateScalar( MusicPlayer inPlayer,
Float64 * outScaleRate) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_3,__IPHONE_5_0);
MusicPlayer の再生スピードを取得する。